Dates, events and courses

New dates for training courses, live webinars and trade fairs

Here you will find all planned trade fair dates, events, training courses and seminars. Whether online or in person - we look forward to exchanging ideas, gaining new inspiration and networking with you.

We share our knowledge about cleaning, protective treatment and maintenance care of natural stone, ceramic, artificial stone and more. In 70 years, we have always endeavoured to transfer knowledge with professional processors, customers and interested parties from the construction, stonemasonry and tiling trades as well as gardening and landscaping. With lots of practical content, we orientate ourselves to trends within the industry and the latest developments.



Why is it worthwhile for you to take part in our training courses?

  • You will learn how to avoid complaints on the construction site
  • We explain how our products can be used as a system
  • With many practical examples, the training content is directly transferable
  • Our instructors are not mere theorists but deal with the materials and effective solutions on a daily basis
  • The training content is always brought up to date so that we do not share outdated content
  • We frequently work with training partners such as Ardex, Gutjahr, Collomix, Festool, J.König, Palette CAD, Kiesel and more. This enables us to offer you training courses that cover a wide range of applications and include the latest insights
  • Our training courses are usually free of charge
  • The seminars are mostly registered in the ‘Zert-Fliese’ qualification programme
  • You will receive a certificate of attendance



‘Zert-Fliese’ qualification programme: Lithofin is a partner of the German Tile and Natural Stone Association. We organise seminars and further training courses as part of the ‘Zert-Fliese’ qualification programme.

Our team of speakers

Practical knowledge transfer from experienced experts

Andreas Schmeizl
Head of Application Technology & Training | State-certified chemist
„As head of training, I have the opportunity not only to impart theoretical knowledge, but also to promote practical skills and demonstrate real application scenarios.“
Karl-Martin Essig
Application technology | Master stonemason and stone sculptor
„As a lecturer with many years of experience in the stonemasonry trade and many years of expertise in application technology, I always endeavour to impart my knowledge in an inspiring and practical way.“
Harald Huber
Application technology | Modernisation professional
„As a speaker with an extensive background in application technology and many years of experience in the renovation and enhancement of stone surfaces, I impart in-depth technical knowledge for practical application in the training courses.“
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